
Unit Converter to convert various units into one another.

You can convert units like Area, Data, Distance, Length, Temperature, Time, Volume, Weight and more. Scroll through the list to see all units in each category.

The app works beautifully in either Portrait or Landscape mode. It also works very well in fill or snap views.



Rahat Khanna Nov 18 at 14:13
The UI for this app is quite professional and the aesthetics are very good. It conforms the Windows 8 Design Principles.
Patrick Klug Oct 3 at 3:11
as per the rules this isn't eligible and will be removed as this app is already available on the Store. pity, would love to list my existing apps too but I clarified this last night at the chat and they said we can't list existing apps.
Software Developer Oct 3 at 15:10
Yeah, looks like this was released to the store in August. Apps CAN be in the store, but it looks like apps cannot have been released in the store or displayed/promoted publicly prior to Sept. 26 2012.
Paras Wadehra Oct 2 at 6:03
Hi @Bryan, what are you looking for in the developer perspective? Do you have any particular questions I can answer for you?
Mamta Dalal Oct 2 at 6:46
@Paras, it would help for example if you mentioned what technologies/frameworks you used. For instance, you may have used XAML+C#, MVVM, or something else. Where did you begin with, etc.
Paras Wadehra Oct 2 at 20:34
Hi Mamta, I used C#/XAML for this app. I have a Unit Converter app on Windows Phone (windowsphone.com/s?appId=a4c7fe59-8f8a-e011-986b-78e7d1fa76f8) which I ported over to Windows 8. I was able to reuse most of my code-behind in C# (had to do a few changes for the new async model) but the UI had to be completely re-written. Special care needed to be taken for different screen sizes and resolutions.
Paras Wadehra Oct 2 at 6:02
Hi vignesh4303, mine was the first Unit Conversion app on the Windows 8 store, a few others came along afterwards. Mine is a very beautifully designed app that works well in both, landscape and portrait modes. It also works nicely in Snap view and Fill view mode. UnitConverter is fast and fluid, ad-free and free forever to use. The users have loved its simplicity, ease of use and beautiful design.
gyurisc Oct 1 at 7:25
You need to add currency conversion to your app.
vignesh4303 Oct 1 at 5:52
google.co.in/… as there were many applications on internet which were already published ,i would like to know what you made difference from other kind of unit converter apps which are already in internet ?
vignesh4303 Oct 1 at 5:22
as there were numerous apps on internet regarding this i cant find anything new
Bryan Dunsmore Sep 29 at 23:04
Please include the developer perspective with your description.