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Albums HD

Albums HD is the best way to save your memories in one place. Choose your photos and organize them in beautiful templates. After the photos are saved to album, it becomes possible to share them with your friends using standard, full screen or amazingly animated slideshow with different effects. Manipulate your album whenever you want using simple commands. You can search for your album using the optimized search function.



Sachin S Jun 3 '13 at 4:20
No previous version app?
Aditya Patil May 26 '13 at 10:09
What was the previous platform of this app, If not, this is not a valid entry..
George Duckett May 25 '13 at 21:50
The before url is supposed to link to the iTunes / Android store page for your app.
RichardTheKiwi May 19 '13 at 23:54
What are the main differences compared to the stock Modern-UI Photo app?
Xyroid May 19 '13 at 3:38
Great app for photographic junkie. Looking forward to your app.