Penny A Day

Penny A Day is an app that calculates and display the amount of money you could potentially save using time value of money via easy-to-read charts. Simply set the number of years you wish to save for, enter a daily saved amount and intended rate of interest and you're all set! Users can also save the adjusted settings to a CSV file and/or share it with their friends.

Features - Calculates the total amount you save, with compound interest - Allows user to export the output locally into a comma-separated values (csv) file - Allow share contract for users to share the output with their friends in csv file format - Custom-made graphs that display bar charts to users to allow better visualisation - Exported CSV file consists of compound savings after every year



hunter Dec 8 '12 at 9:38
must have app for those who like to save drop by drop .This app can tell you how much you can save per annum if you save daily.
dahln Dec 5 '12 at 21:49
Cool app. Would be nice to be able to enter a custom amount to save, not just 2,5,10.
Software Developer Dec 3 '12 at 17:49
Don't forget to post a demo video to be eligible for prizes.
Rahat Khanna Nov 18 '12 at 14:19
You can use a currency converter in your Application
JamWaffles Nov 12 '12 at 12:39
A really good idea, but what about the other (equally important) currencies?
saurzCode Nov 6 '12 at 10:21
This is a nice to have app.