SALESA is an Windows 8 app which allows you to integrate your SalesForce account to capture Sales Leads and use Chatter. It also provides a way to scan QR code directly into your application and process the code to integrate with your back end.


kishore1021 Nov 18 at 23:46
I like your idea. I see the app is not in the store. Let me know if you need any help. I also published an app recently - it took numerous attempts to get through certification and in the process I learnt a lot. You can see my app at I hope you like it!
Gerardo Melendrez Oct 25 at 7:31
I would like to see an screenshot!
Abby T. Miller  Oct 9 at 14:44
Hi! Just want to let you know that as per the contest rules, your app submission must include a screenshot (or at least a mockup) to be eligible for the first phase of the event. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Grigmin Oct 5 at 1:42
Sounds interesting. A few screenshots and/or mockups would be nice. I presume you are going to use the Salesforce Touch Platform?